2 × 4 (smallest rectangle)
3 × 8
smallest rectangle: 2 × 4
Proposition. The L tetromino is even.
Proof. Number the squares by
(x, y) |---> { 1 if x is even { 0 if x is odd
No matter how it is placed, an L tetromino covers an odd total.
However, any rectangle with area divisible by 4 covers an even total.
Therefore, if it is tiled by L tetrominoes, there must
be an even number of them. QED.
Golomb [1] asks for all rectangles which can be tiled by the L tetromino.
This proposition is the key to Klarner's solution.
He gives a more general criterion using the same numbering in
[2, Theorem 4].
[1a] S.W. Golomb,
Covering a
Rectangle with L-tetrominoes, Problem E 1543,
American Mathematical Monthly 69 (1962) p. 920.
[1b] Solution to
Problem E 1543 by D.A. Klarner,
American Mathematical Monthly 70 (1963) pp. 760-761.
[2] David A. Klarner,
Packing a
Rectangle with Congruent N-ominoes,
Journal of Combinatorial Theory 7 (1969) pp. 107-115.
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Updated August 23, 2011.